Seeds My Mother Sowed

Linda Buishas

It would be wonderful to see my mother’s life played back like a movie! My mother Rita was born before videos, and there are very few photos of her youth. Therefore, I am immensely grateful that she shared memories of her life and of those who came before her. She painted mental pictures for me of all she held most dear. Her expressions of emotions revealed as much about her as did her words. I value those stories, as she hoped I would, for that was the most important reason for the telling. They gave me insights that grew in importance as I grew older. With each difficulty mentioned, she shared her hopes and dreams for what the future of her children would be.

She told of the most painful times and times of immense joy. There was no mistaking her love of family, valued traditions, pride in culture and heritage, strong faith, virtue, perseverance, self-respect, and gratitude. She stressed what was most important for me to remember. She gave me glimpses into what molded her and ultimately were a part of me.

Today, we have videos and endless photos giving visuals to add to mothers’ telling of their treasured moments. Pictures and videos are wonderful tools but will never replace the one-on-one experience of listening to our mothers as they recount precious moments in their lives. Whether archived in minds or in the Cloud, so much can be learned of what made mothers who they are, while giving mothers a powerful opportunity to influence the hearts, minds, and values of generations to come.

I cherish the memories my mother shared of her life, of those handed down to her, and, even more, the ones we made together. Although I would never wish to take away the joy she has in her heavenly reward, I wish I could have had her longer so that we could have shared much more. She was a constant reflection of God’s love and mercy, first to tell me of Jesus and first to teach me to pray. She exemplified Proverbs 31:25-26: “Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” I am forever thankful for my mother’s loving care.

We are so fortunate to have insights into these beloved women whom God loves dearly for choosing to partner with Him in the miracle of life. May God bless all mothers and anyone who has nurtured a child as a natural mother does. May you share years of love and laughter as you continue to create more memories for future generations to hear. To borrow from the timeless wisdom given in Joel 1:3: “Tell your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children to another generation.”

May your children (and grandchildren and great-grandchildren …) rise up and call you blessed! Happy Mother’s Day!