Seeds of a Father’s Love

Linda Buishas

My daddy scooped me up into his arms, carrying me to the next room, everyone thought, to give me a spanking (although neither parent ever laid a hand to me). I was three years old and had just spilled my milk, creating mealtime chaos for the umpteenth time. With his handsome face at the same level as mine, he asked me to never do it again. No spanking, just words: a little secret that belonged to just the two of us. It would be one among many special moments my dad and I shared.

Loving fathers create many heartfelt memories: When I was very little, he would awake with a smile and a hug as I bounced upon his chest, shouting, “I love you, Daddy. I love you, Daddy.” I felt so special when he’d sing to me “Don’t Ever Take the Ribbons from Your Hair.” If something was broken, he’d fix it. He scrutinized every boy who asked me out and denied his permission to those he knew were “experienced.” He comforted me when I lost a dear friend. He showed us how men should respect women and taught us about modesty and self-respect. He never wavered in his love for Mom. He taught us reverence for God, right from wrong, and that they never change. He worked hard, sacrificed much, and gave all he could, making sure we had all we needed. He often told me that he was proud of me. I always felt he was my biggest fan. He and Mom set me on a path that I returned to repeatedly. When I finally accepted Jesus, the path became easier and my steps more certain, fulfilling many of their dreams for me.

I thank my Heavenly Father for my daddy Jay and for entrusting me into his care. I never spilled another glass of milk after that special childhood moment. It’s a sweet reminder of what God’s grace can do. God forgives us, doesn’t punish us, and can even clean up our messes while helping us to avoid ever making those same mistakes again.

Thank you to all who wear the shoes of loving fathers. God is pleased with you. May all dads, daughters, and sons recognize their gifts and treasure them. May every Father’s Day be a joyous time of remembrance and celebration. For those whose dads have fallen short, please know you have a Heavenly Father who values you even more than the best of dads ever could. God so loved us all that He gave His only Son that we might have life and have it abundantly. Our Heavenly Father teaches us everything we need to know, satisfies our every need, and shows us how to enjoy life’s many gifts. He loves us beyond our ability to understand. Just like my dad, our Father in heaven is our biggest fan, and He loves to hear us say, “I love you, Daddy. I love you, Daddy.”