Seeds of Grace

Linda Buishas

Our Robson Ranch community certainly knows how to celebrate our country’s independence. It’s impressive to see the patriotism displayed with flags waving, parades, and patriotic music acknowledging the freedoms we enjoy. As Americans, no matter the outward demonstrations, in our hearts, we know the deeper meaning and that the freedom we celebrate is not really “free,” nor is it experienced as fully for all as it should be. From 1776 to this day, freedom for all has cost the sacrifices and lives of many. To them and to those who continue to do so, we are sincerely thankful.

We’ve all tasted this nation’s freedoms in many ways. Sadly, in recent years, we’ve also had a small taste of what it feels like to be without it. Many have a sense that our comings and goings, our medical decisions, and religious freedoms have been threatened. Thankfully, no matter the outward circumstances, there’s a kind of freedom no one else can control, give, or take away. What’s amazing about this gift is that we don’t even have to fight for it. The battle has already been won.

It was foretold, long before Jesus arrived, how He would come to set the captives free, not as the world sees freedom, but free from the cares of the world. He would proclaim liberty to the captives and release prisoners from darkness. For those who remain in spiritual, emotional, and mental bondage because of guilt, depression, bitterness, worry, wrong beliefs, and more, their conditions can be likened to the Japanese soldier during World War II who, for 29 years, refused to surrender, not knowing that the war had ended. For those who have heard and believe the good news of Salvation, we know that the war is over, we are free.

Jesus offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice, freed us from the curse of the law, from condemnation, and triumphed over sin and death. He redeemed us from the power which sin had over our lives. Paul tells us that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free and that the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. His Spirit lives in those who believe.

Freedom has been bought for all, and once it’s accepted, it can’t be stolen or given away. However, we must recognize that just as our country must persevere to maintain freedom and protection of our rights, we must also. Paul admonishes us to “stand fast,” revealing that our freedom in Christ doesn’t function automatically. God’s Holy Word helps us to understand the part we have to play.

Through the Grace of God, we have many freedoms as Americans. Blessedly, through our Lord Christ Jesus, we can truly know how it feels to live free. “Who the Son sets free is free indeed!” “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”

May we celebrate our freedom, daily! God Bless America, Land of the Free!