Let’s play bingo
The weather started off a little rocky, but when it came time to play bingo on September 25 the rain held off. What better way to spend a Sunday with family and friends than compete for over $1,500 in prizes. The 132 players of all ages were enthusiastic, and they had their game faces on. But we have yet to beat our record of 155 attendees. There were a number of first-timers, and the event was an opportunity to meet your neighbors in a fun environment. Kiwanis bingo proceeds are used to provide funds for a variety of causes right here in Denton that benefit the children. Our motto: ”Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time.”
Our next bingo event is November 6 so we encourage you to save the date and hob-nob with the wonderful folks here at the Ranch.