Vicki Baker
Thanks to the incredible generosity of Robson Ranch, the Kiwanis Club collected 3,500 pairs of shoes during its March “Soles for Needy Souls” Shoe Drive, which far surpassed all expectations. The club’s mantra is “changing the world one child at a time.” This time they did it one pair of shoes at a time helping those in need across the world.
The Kiwanis Shoe Drive inspired the community to come out and support this worthy cause, but it also reminded us of the importance of proper footwear. Getting up every day and putting on a pair of shoes is taken for granted. But there are millions of people around the world who consider this a luxury.
From our soles to our souls, shoes contribute a great deal to our human experience. While shoes serve a basic functional purpose, they also affect our perception of others and ourselves. Although the lack of shoes cannot strip one of individuality, life is a lot easier with shoes. A simple pair of shoes improves quality of life, prevents injury, wards against parasitic foot diseases and infections, and in some cases even helps land that coveted job.
It’s estimated that about 1.5 billion pairs of shoes sit idly in American closets. The Robson community reached for those unworn shoes and gave them new life, helping change lives in remote communities around the globe and for those in crisis.
Thank you for making this community partnership such a resounding success! With your help you provided a life-changing solution: a good pair of shoes. Want to continue that community outreach? Then visit the Kiwanis Club RR on the first and third Friday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the Clubhouse. For more information contact Jim Galbraith at [email protected].