The Sweethearts of Sigma Chi (photo by Chuck Newcomer)
Dave Parker
As Brother Chuck Newcomer would say, “It’s not Derby Day until we say it’s Derby Day!” And with that, Brother Chuck put together another great Derby Day event at the Wildhorse Grill. The official Sigma Chi flag was placed in the ground overlooking the Robson Ranch golf course, and the Brothers declared the Wildhorse Grill the official Sigma Chi Derby Day Chapter headquarters.
The annual event is one of the highlights of the year for the Brothers. There were margaritas and mint juleps waiting for all the Brothers and Sweethearts as they arrived in full Derby attire. With beverages in hand, it was off to the appetizers of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres. The spread included Derby Day sliders, salsa and chips, and cordon bleu bites. Each Sweetheart received a white rose, and the Brothers then serenaded the ladies with the famous fraternity song “Sweetheart of Sigma Chi” (apologies to anyone listening in the bar).
Brother Mick Fox and Brother Dan Nicolet set up the official gaming tables for the Kentucky Derby event. The big winner was Brother Wayne Rees. Also winning were Brother Chuck Newcomer, Brother Mick Fox, and brother Dan Nicolet.
The Brothers remain on double secret probation at the Ranch! Any Sigma Chi’s living at the Ranch who would like to join the chapter, contact Brother John Humphries at [email protected].