The Robson Ranch Sigma Chis held their monthly meeting at the grill. Attending were Wayne Rees, Norm Leggett, Bruce Monroe, Mick Fox, Dave Parker, Ken Javor, John Humphries, Dwight Evans, Charles Newcomer and Pat Ross. Al Grundstrom was unable to attend. The group discussed the possibility of having a Sigma Chi golf cart in next year’s July 4 parade. Pat Ross was going to submit the picture of the last get together at the Chapter House to the national magazine. Pat was also coordinating the submission to the National Office for 50 year pins for those members that qualify. The group has many veterans who have served our country with honor. A number of ideas were discussed on letters we could send to help improve the medical treatment of returning service members. As always the group solved many of the problems in the world should anyone be looking for our input. Any Sigma Chis living at the Ranch that would like to join the group contact John Humphries at [email protected].