The Robson Ranch Singles Club just completed another of its periodic community service projects to benefit deserving groups in the local community. This time the subject was books and creative supplies.
The project was led by Dorothy Pointer assisted by Jackie Drain and Janice Ritchie. Singles collected and contributed 247 books, 17 activity books, four puzzles, five dry erase boards, 15 packs of colored pencils and markers, notebooks, glue and crayons. These were all donated to boys and girls at Cook Children’s Hospital. Cook is an organization which specializes in pediatric medicine and offers a wide variety of programs and services at numerous locations in the DFW metroplex.
The Singles Club participates in many varied social, cultural and community service activities throughout the year. We meet every Tuesday to “mix and mingle” at the Grill from 5:30-7:00 p.m. If you are interested in learning more about the club, stop by to see us there.