Singles play at Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club
Don Pooley
As we continue our COVID-19 precautions and social distancing, club members continue to focus on single play. Our round-robin singles play has evolved naturally—we play one game, then we move to play another person until we play everyone at the play session, then we start over. It doesn’t matter who wins or loses. There is no moving up or staying put, no pressure, just fun play. A big benefit of our singles play is that members are showing a marked improvement in their table tennis skills and abilities. So, watch out when you return to table tennis play in the future, because you’ll notice big changes in the play of club members who have been playing singles.
The Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club playing capacity remains at 20 participating players, and four members waiting. This capacity allows for up to 16 people playing singles (on eight tables) at a time. All play session participants (members and guests) are encouraged to practice good hand sanitizing habits, to maintain social distancing, and limit direct contact with other players.
Play sessions continue to conform to Robson Ranch and CDC’s sanitizing and social distancing guidelines. Current table tennis play session times are as follows:
1. In the gym, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from noon to 2:15 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.; and
2. In the multi-purpose room, Tuesday and Thursday from noon to 2:15 p.m.
Full guidelines and the current schedule can be found on the Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club’s Facebook webpage at (www.facebook.com/RRDTTC).
For the latest updates on our activities and phase re-opening announcements, follow the club on Facebook at Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club (www.facebook.com/RRDTTC).