SOT Celebrates Roy Villers and the Argyle Young Men’s Service League

Lizzy Wickert and Roy Villers with a remembrance gift presented to Roy by the Argyle YMSL (photo by Bill Moore)

Lynne Moore

Six years ago, Roy Villers started including the Argyle Young Men’s Service League (YMSL) in Support Our Troops (SOT) activities here at Robson Ranch. These young men and their moms come every month to the Ranch to join with SOT and hear the experiences of our military veterans. They also write notes in cards we send to the current military personnel that SOT supports. They have also volunteered at many events here at the Ranch. Their most recent one was participating in the annual 4th of July parade.

The group started off with just a few young men and their moms. It now has over 50 young men involved. Roy got to speak to the group at their monthly meeting on Aug. 18 in the clubhouse. Roy talked about his military service as a Navy pilot and had a slideshow presentation that showed many events in his military life. Those of us in attendance were really inspired by Roy’s presentation. Even though it takes time to chair this monthly event, Roy told all of us that he has gotten so much more from knowing these young men and their moms. Roy is moving away from Robson, so he is now handing over command to Lizzy Wickert. A big thanks to Roy from all of us in SOT, and much good luck in the future.

So far this year, Support Our Troops has shipped 230 boxes of goodies to deployed troops. As of now, we have seven troops deployed. They are in Bahrain, the UK, Guam, South Korea, Denmark, and Singapore.

The Sassy Stampers make the beautiful cards that SOT members write greetings in to troops who are deployed, as well as those troops at home whom we support.

Coming up soon is the SOT Silent Auction fundraiser, taking place on Veterans Day, Nov. 11, in the clubhouse. This event is in conjunction with the choir’s patriotic music concerts. There will be hundreds of wonderful items to bid on, including gift cards, restaurant items, wine and liquor baskets, art, hand-crafted items, cards, and many other goodies. All of the money that SOT raises from the auction goes to the troops whom we support. There will also be lots of fun activities to take part in. Last year we had our best auction yet, and we are hoping this year’s will be even better.

For those of you who need to purchase an American flag to display in your yard or a pole to support it, you can contact Quinn Sowell at 940-262-1106. These flags are all manufactured in the USA. An SOT member will install the pole if you need that done. The entire flag kit costs $60. If you just need a replacement flag, that is $30, and it will be delivered to you.

We welcome all of the folks from the Ranch to join SOT. You do not have to be a veteran to join, and we would really like to have you there. If you have a family member who is now in the military (active duty or reserves), SOT will be proud to support them. Our meetings are on the second Monday of each month in the Lonestar Room of the clubhouse.