Dianne Edmondson
About thirty Vietnam era Robson Ranch veterans were honored at the June meeting of the Support Our Troops organization. Congress has recently issued a special pin recognizing any military who served during the Vietnam era (1955-1975.)
Earlier this year, SOT presented about 70 pins to such veterans and again at our June 11 meeting, another 30 veterans were honored and presented with their official pins by SOT President Susan Galbraith and Bill Moore, making a total of about 100 Robson Ranch veterans who have been honored at SOT monthly meetings, held at the clubhouse at 1:00 p.m. on the second Monday. Additionally, SOT has presented about two dozen pins to other veterans who were unable to attend either meeting.
One unique presentation involved Robson Ranch residents Phyllis and Larry Studinski, who both served as Lieutenants in the US Navy, and their pins were handed to them by their granddaughter, Brooklynn. Great way to pass that patriotic mindset on to the next generation!
Congratulations and thank you to all the Vietnam Era veterans.