Front row: Peggy Zilinsky, hostess; Jois Ross, leader; Cynthia Kreiselmaier and Sherry Zeise; Around the table: Judy Smith, Rachel Summers, Betty Silich, Liz Peveto-Garvy, Sandra Anderson, Judy Fairchild, Martha Crump, Nancy Thomas, Lynne Hanshaw, Nancy Myers, Leslie Brooks, Barb Schmidt, Karen Payne, Anita Nelson, Nancy Nevius, Pat File, Peggy Bower, Erna Seale and Ruthie Klein
Sherry Zeise
The approaching second Saturday of each month stirs excitement and activity in kitchens of New Life Church ladies around Robson Ranch. They are preparing delicious dishes and desserts to share at the Ladies Lunch Bunch, held at a member’s home, and lovingly and creatively directed by Jois Ross.
That’s what the excitement’s about! Each of us looks forward to sharing special time with each other, to enjoying a wonderful, delectable meal, and then to having an awesome, inspiring program, which blends song, Scripture and personal experience into a powerful time of encouragement for our daily lives.
Though most of us are members of New Life Church, anyone is welcome, so we have several ladies who came originally as guests and have become treasured regulars.
Our latest Ladies Lunch Bunch happened on Saturday, February 13, delightfully hosted by Peggy Zilinsky. The sign on the door and doormat warmly welcomed us into her festively decorated home, celebrating Valentine’s Day. A gifted quilter, Peggy created utensil holders with embroidered hearts in various shades of red and pink, with bright doilies and a “goodie bag” to welcome each one to her place at the table. Inside the goodie bag were chocolate treats and a Scripture regarding love, which we enjoyed sharing and comparing with each other during our meal.
Luncheon emphasis this month was soup, and the ladies did not disappoint! Four delicious soups: stuffed green pepper, chicken taco, beef stew and broccoli-cheese were complemented by cheese and crackers, homemade bread, fruit salad, Jello salad and tropical fruit. Desserts finishing the meal in fine fashion were banana pudding, pink cream puff ring, lemon meringue pie and cake with cream cheese icing.
We were called to join Jois in the living room for our program, which was called “Breaking Up With Perfection.” Jois engaged this program’s partner, Martha Crump, in a “conversation,” which allowed us to realize that we can “break-up with the stress and never-ending guilt from trying to be the perfect person and to do everything to perfection.” Savvy Stamper Leslie Brooks created a heart card, cleverly displaying the program title, “Breaking Up with Perfection.” The reverse side had the comforting reminder that “The love of God makes us whole.” Jois and Martha chatted with us about God’s loving, merciful care and encouragement for everyone, sharing key Scripture and quotes, which encouraged us to realize that though we certainly want to do our best and be the best person we can be, we often fall short of the perfection, which we ourselves, others or our culture demand of us. Throughout their conversation, they had us repeat with them the encouraging reassurance, “God loves us anyway!” Interspersed throughout the program were two duets by Pat File and Sherry Zeise. The program finished with everyone singing Amazing Grace.
As stated before, anyone is welcome to join the Ladies Lunch Bunch the second Saturday of each month. Feel free to contact Jois Ross at [email protected] for information.