Tag: East Crestview Ladies

East Crestview Ladies games

Nancy Toppan Ladies from East Crestview Drive gathered at the home of Nancy Toppan for a pleasant afternoon of games, snacks and conversation. Left to right: Glenda Carr, Nancy Toppan, Dianne Edmonson, Barbara Cooper, Peggy Bower, Carol Kerr, Carol Fortner and Cathie Rod

Crestview Ladies’ game day

East Crestview Ladies enjoyed a game day at Lillian Keehn’s. Those in attendance were Carol Rhea, Glenda Carr, Brenda McKenzie, Lillian Keehn, Anne Owens, Sheri Twiggs, Clarice Turner, Cathie Rod, Carol Kerr and Nancy Toppan; Carol Fortner is not shown in photo.

East Crestview Ladies Luncheon

Standing left to right: Clarice Turner, Lillian Keehn, Cathie Rod, Nancy Toppan, Rudy Wilson, Sheri Twiggs, Linda Terry, Pat Crump, Vickie Bone and Dee Kurtz; sitting left to right: Glenda Carr, Barbara Cooper, Carol Fortner, Diane Khalar, Paula Monroe, Kathy Zumann, Rebecca Fridley and Billie Maxwell

Nancy Toppan After living at Robson Ranch, I can’t imagine moving into a neighborhood and never really getting to know my neighbors. However, I recall years ago living in a suburban residential area where we never once got together for a meal with nearby homeowners. A casual wave and a few words while watering the…