Tag: Tech Club

Tech Club January General Session

Steve Simpson The presenter at our general session meeting on Jan. 13 was Steve Simpson, club president, and the topic was “Microsoft Xbox Gaming.” Presentation agenda items included Why Xbox for Gaming, Xbox Equipment Set-Up, Live Demo of Bowling Without the Use of a Handheld Controller, and Future Xbox Games. This meeting was open to…

Tech Club Happenings

The Robson Ranch Tech Club November general session meeting was held on Nov. 11 in Room 104 of the CATC. Vice President Steve Garvin presented on “How to Buy a Computer.” We had a full room of Robson attendees for this interactive session. Major agenda topics included What Kind of Computer Do You Need?, Advertisement…

Tech Club Meeting

Steve Simpson The Robson Tech Club October general session meeting was held on Oct. 14 in Room 104 at the CATC. Our presenter was club member Stephen Pinn. Mr. Pinn provided an interactive session on “Scammers Only Need One Thing!” Presentation agenda items included how scammers social engineer your info, a video presentation, and how…

Tech Club

Steve Simpson The Tech Club general session meeting was held on Sept. 9 at the CATC (Creative Arts and Technology Center) in Room 104. Our guest speaker was Ed Sanders who presented on “What’s Next with Your iPhone Photos?” Ed specializes in providing patient, knowledgeable, age 55+ technology help throughout Dallas Fort Worth. Ed’s agenda…

Tech Club

Steve Garvin The Tech Club general session was held on May 13 at 7 p.m. in the Creative Arts and Technology Center (9404 Ed Robson Blvd., Denton) in Room 104, and the topic was “Staying Safe on the Internet.” Club member Sherry Garvin shared her personal and professional experiences regarding best security practices while using…

Tech Club General Meeting Session

The April Robson Ranch Tech Club general meeting session was held on April 8 at the CATC in Room 104. The topic was Securing Your Home Internet. Club member Steve Pinn shared his personal experience regarding “The Importance of Internet Security in Today’s Connected World.” The agenda was as follows: Threats, Passwords, Routers, Networks, Devices,…

Tech Club March General Session

The Robson Ranch Tech Club’s March general session was held on March 11 at the CATC in Room 104. Our topic was “Cut the Cable—Home Antenna Install.” Club President Steve Simpson shared his personal experience regarding purchasing and installing a low-cost home antenna. The agenda was as follows: Why, Strategy, Location, Equipment, Install, Completion. This…

Tech Club News

Steve Simpson The Tech Club general session was held on Feb. 12 in the Creative Arts Technology Center, Room 104. The general meeting session main topic was Technology Adoption. Attendees heard more about “A simple, low-cost approach that works well across iPhone, Android, and Windows laptop devices.” Many technology questions were asked from the floor.…

Tech Club General Session Meeting

Steve Simpson The Tech Club general session meeting was held on Jan. 8 in the Creative Arts and Technology Center. The topic was “Christmas Magic at Robson 2023.” We heard more regarding capturing the Christmas magic at Robson with both ground and aerial devices. Club President Steve Simpson presented from the following agenda: Why, Strategy,…