Tag: Women’s Club

Women’s Club Social highlights

Greetings and animated conversations were the sounds of some 50 women at the September 19 Women’s Club Social. With a stated purpose of social fun, the Women’s Club invited all Robson women, members or not, to meet, greet and visit in the Grill Lounge. President Mary Ornberg shared information about the club; attending Board members…

September Women’s Club luncheon highlights

Close behind the Labor Day weekend, the September 4 Women’s Club Lunch showed great style. Daisies brightened each table, printed on centerpiece napkins and spilling from knotted red kerchiefs. The business meeting was opened by President Mary Ornberg. Social/Welcome Committee Chair Bobbi Hardt introduced new members and first-time attendees. They shared where they were from,…

Women’s Club trip to Hugo, Oklahoma

Ann Madigan and Barbara Cummins On Thursday, April 26, 40 Robson Ranch Women’s Club members boarded a sleek black bus and departed for a day to Hugo, Oklahoma. In years past, more than 22 circuses have wintered in this small town. Known as Circus City, USA it is currently winter headquarters for two circuses. At…

Women’s Club May Luncheon

Ann Madigan The tables were decorated with flower vases and pastel straw hats; at noon on Monday, May 7, 2018, President Mary opened the meeting/lunch of the Robson Ranch Women’s Club. New members and first-time attendees were introduced and asked to tell their name, where they were from and where they lived at Robson Ranch.…

April Women’s Club luncheon

  Ann Madigan The April Women’s Club Lunch Meeting opened with President Mary Ornberg having first time attendees and new members share information. Greeters and table decorators were thanked and April birthdays were recognized. Special Projects Chair, Sally Hampton, reminded the group to watch for details of a fall trip to the Dallas Arboretum in…

Women’s Club hosts holiday luncheon and performance

  Gayle Coe The Women’s Club December luncheon was held Monday, December 4. Members and guests located their seats in anticipation of the special holiday performance by Cheryl Allison. Greeters escorted new members to the “New Members” tables, and Sharon Foy, president, welcomed the first-time attendees and guests. Following the announcement Sharon recognized the December…

Women’s Club October luncheon hosted by Calloway’s Nursery

Gayle Coe The Women’s Club October luncheon was held Monday, October 2. Members and guests located their seats in anticipation of Ty Poynter of Calloway’s Nursery presentation on gardening tips, updates and door prize giveaways. Greeters escorted new members to the “New Members” tables, and Sharon Foy, president, welcomed the first-time attendees and guests. Sharon…

Women’s Club 2017 programs

May Dotty Griffith, Author and Food Editor for the Dallas Morning News. June Cameo Club, Texas Senior America Pageant Winners. July International Exotic Animal Sanctuary. Learn about this state-of-the-art concept for animals in their environment. August Deborah Ferguson, Channel 5 anchor for 25 Years. Great stories about her career in TV journalism. September Sandra Brown, world-renowned author, need we say…