President Linda Grandfield; Secretary Klaus Fanterberg; Vice President Mike Welton; and Treasurer Don Skokan

The Tennis Club holiday party

Tennis Club members at the holiday party
Edward Baarnett
The Robson Ranch Tennis Club held its annual holiday party in December and met for its annual meeting on February 17 to elect new officers for the coming year. The officers elected were as follows: President Linda Grandfield; Vice President Mike Welton; Secretary Klaus Fanterberg and Treasurer Don Skokan. The new officers are busy planning social events for the coming year as well as maintaining our schedules for drop-in tennis.
The Tennis Club continues to offer non-gender specific drop-in doubles play on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Men’s doubles is available at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The RR tennis ladies are forming a USTA 55+ league for the summer at Robson. League play begins the first week of June through the end of July. Playoffs are in August. The team needs at least 10 ladies for the team to form; 12 would be better. You need to be current with your USTA dues to play and be rated a 3.0, 3.5 or 4.0 player. The team will play teams in the Fort Worth area.
Regardless of your skill level or experience, you will find a welcoming group of players and a great social atmosphere on the courts so stop by anytime and get to know the players. You do not need to be a member of the Tennis Club to participate in the drop-in play sessions. Just show up and play.
The Tennis Club is made up of 81 enthusiastic players of all skill levels. If you would like to join the group, club dues are a mere $10 per year. Membership includes participation in at least six organized events per year along with our annual holiday party.