Thanks to the Robson Residents Who Responded to the Library Survey

In January of 2023 the Robson Ranch Denton HOA Board asked the Facilities Committee to conduct a study of the library to ensure that it is functioning effectively as an amenity of the HOA. The Facilities Committee created an ad hoc committee to do that study. The committee created a three-prong approach: (1) review the current policies and procedures and help modify as necessary to align with other amenities within the community, (2) conduct a best practices study of other libraries to help the HOA consider possible practices that might improve library service to the community, and (3) conduct a survey of Robson Ranch residents to ascertain the actual library usage and needs of the residents.

The Facilities Committee thanks the 691 residents who took the time to respond to the survey. Your efforts have helped the Facilities Committee to better understand what the primary uses of the library are, to clarify the importance of the library to the community, and to get data to help extrapolate the frequency of usage by homeowners. The numerical results of the survey and the entire library study are posted on the HOA website under the HOA tab, then the Committees tab. The survey results are in Exhibit 5 of the HOA Study of the Robson Ranch Library.

One of the responsibilities of the Facilities Committee is to review periodically the usage of our current amenities and to recommend new programs and amenities to the HOA. This committee will likely send out other surveys to gather information. Homeowners are always welcome to attend Facilities Committee meetings to share their perspective on what makes a good community for them.

Once again, thanks to those who took the time to share their thoughts.