Sitting: Bob Rogers, Ed Heberlein, Melodye Rogers, Susan Parker, Millie Aramanda and Nancy Toppan; standing: Jere Bone, Pete Toppan, Vickie Bone, Kathy Heberlein, Mike Aramanda and David Parker
Nancy Toppan
It is acknowledged that the name of the game, Mexican Train, emanated from the real train known as the Mexican train, which was a public train on which any person could get on.
Game Night was hosted by Susan and David Parker in June. Our hostess served a main course of zesty chicken pasta with sun-dried tomatoes. A delicious appetizer and side dishes complemented the main dish. Later in the evening a divine red velvet cake and fruit were enjoyed.
The gang engaged in a jubilant game of Mexican Train Dominoes. The biggest winner was Vickie Bone with 101 points, while Mike Aramanda was the biggest loser with 267 points. There was a five-way tie for the most game wins. Our big winner, Vickie Bone, shared the most game wins with Ed Heberlein, Melodye Rogers, David Parker and Jere Bone, all with two wins each.
It’s always fun to hop on the train with good friends and neighbors.