Nancy Garre, Ways and Means Chair, presents a check to Janell Trachta, Monsignor King Outreach, and Wendy McGee, Our Daily Bread. Looking on are (left) committee member Rita Paxton and Gayle Coe, RRWC president.
Sharon Foy
That’s what Ways and Means Chair Nancy Garre likes to call it. Because of COVID-19, the Home and Garden Show was canceled this year. However, that did not deter Nancy and her committee. They continued to persevere and did a phenomenal job of working with the Home and Garden Show vendors and Justin Ace Hardware. As a result, the vendors graciously donated their booth fees and Justin Ace Hardware donated a state-of-the-art Weber Grill for the raffle, which enabled the Robson Ranch Women’s Club (RRWC) to donate a record breaking sum of $13,174.25 to Our Daily Bread and Monsignor King Outreach.
Besides the generous vendors and sponsors, Nancy would like to thank the dedicated women who have graciously given their time and talents:
Gayle Coe, RRWC president, for her leadership in unprecedented times
Sharon Foy, our on-the-spot dedicated publicity chair
Rita Paxton, vendor coordinator supreme
Lynne Cox, volunteer coordinator
Jodie Konvicka, logistics
Heidi Brooks, outstanding raffle ticket sales
Calling team: Celia Hall, Mary Lou Renckly and Karen Lyons—great job
Brett Paxton, a special thank you for his computer knowledge and support
And the many, many women that signed up to give their time in support of our club and chosen charities.
This was the Home and Garden Show “that didn’t happen.” However, through the hard work of these people and the heartfelt compassion and generosity of our sponsors and vendors, we were able to help our charities at a time when the need was exceptionally great!
During the past four months, the Denton community charities have been assisting more people in need while funds have diminished during these extraordinary times. Thank you to everyone who made this valuable fundraising initiative a great success. The Robson Ranch Women’s Club cooperative spirit and fundraising efforts truly makes a difference in people’s lives.