The Next Airline Social Club Party Is Coming!

Nancy Tastle

Get excited, because 2024 is going to be our best year yet with the Airline Social Club! We only meet four times a year, so you definitely won’t want to miss our get-togethers. Mark your calendars now for our next gathering on Tuesday, Jan. 30, from 4 to 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse.

This is going to be a blast! We’ll have drinks and snacks available for purchase at the cash bar. Be sure to wear your name tags so everyone can meet and greet.

As most of you aviation enthusiasts know, our members are made up of both past and present commercial airline employees and their partners. Each time we meet is a chance to catch up with familiar faces and make new friends who share our love of flying.

Don’t miss out on the fun and fellowship. I guarantee you won’t find a better group of people to spend an afternoon with! See you on Jan. 30 to kick off what is sure to be a great year with the Airline Social Club. The friendships and memories we’ll make will keep our passion for aviation skies high.