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Veterans Day full of activities to Support Our Troops

Dianne Edmondson, SOT reporter

So many of us here at Robson Ranch served in our country’s military or had family members who did, and we are not shy about appreciating their service.

Thus, when Veterans Day rolls around each Nov. 11, there are plenty of patriotic events in which we can participate.

First of all is the Support Our Troops (SOT) memorial service which begins at 9 a.m. at the Veterans’ Park which sits between the Clubhouse and the Golf Shop, overlooking Robson Ranch. Nestled within this peaceful area are dozens of brick pavers, each bearing the name and service information for veterans who are fondly remembered or honored by Robson Ranch residents. (For information on purchasing a brick, check in the drawer near Shelbi’s desk in the Clubhouse western wing.)

Patriots will gather to remember our service members who have paid the ultimate sacrifice, as well as those who returned home.

Shortly thereafter, the year’s best bargain fest begins—the legendary SOT silent auction! This spectacular event begins at 11:00 a.m. in the clubhouse and will go all day until about 8:00 p.m. that evening. Whether you are in the market for gift certificates, artwork, hand crafted items, or wine baskets complete with accompanying snacks, you will find plenty of tempting bargains. And don’t forget to play the rewarding Half and Half game—your money is pooled and at the end of the evening, the total is split between SOT and a lucky player. (Last year’s lucky winner pocketed several thousand dollars!)

All of the auction’s proceeds go directly to the projects which support our military members who are related by love or blood to some Robson Ranch residents. So far this year, 385 boxes totaling nearly $23,000 in value have been assembled, packed and sent to deployed military troops all over the world. If you would like to have a relative or close friend added to the roster of the troops we support, please contact Nancy and Roger Thomas at 940-465-0641.

The day is rounded out by the Robson Choir’s enthusiastic patriotic concerts, one at 11 a.m. and the other at 7 p.m. Veterans are admitted at no charge, and others pay $5 per ticket. Veterans must be on the SOT list for free admittance. Stop by the table in the clubhouse hallway prior to the concert to sign up.

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So, plan to spend your Veterans Day with SOT, joining with us to celebrate this patriotic holiday. And come visit our SOT meetings, held every second Monday at 1 p.m. at the Clubhouse. You’ll learn more about how we can all help Support Our Troops.
