Voices United members wearing the bold and beautiful hats for the Kentucky Derby Hat Contest
Vicki Baker
What do a group of women meeting on a Saturday afternoon each month have in common? A commitment to outreach and advocacy. Starting with a handful of members a few short years ago, Voices United has steadily grown. Albeit still considered somewhat small in comparison to national organizations, we are strong agents for progressive and forward-moving change.
So, who are we? We are a non-partisan, 501(c)(3) organization of Robson Ranch women who share progressive values, perform community service, promote civic engagement, provide social interaction among members … and have a good time!
Since its inception, Voices United has expanded its mission to encompass a broader and more inclusive range of goals and objectives. Various committees and subgroups provide an opportunity for members to share their talents, views, and interests.
Civic Action Committee updates members on local, state, and national candidates, politicians, and legislative actions; provides updates on local events (i.e., marches, candidate forums, town halls, etc.); and coordinates attendance at select events. Members have participated in Women’s March, March for Science, and March for Voting Rights and have written issue-specific postcards to elected representatives.
The Community Outreach Committee arranges fundraising and other charitable activities supporting She Supply (donation of basic female necessities to homeless and displaced women), Meals on Wheels (donation of gift bags stuffed with blankets and personal toiletries), and Interfaith Ministries (donation of fans). We also financially support Ignite, a movement of young women who are ready and eager to become the next generation of political leaders.
The Diversity in Action Committee coordinates opportunities actively supporting diversity and social justice within our community, and helps to broaden our understanding of and support for diverse cultures. Events included the 21 Day Diversity Challenge, Amon Carter Museum visit of “Printing the Revolution” Chicanx exhibit, Kimbell Art Museum visit of “The Language of Beauty in African Art,” and a book review of Black, White, and Grey, with associated food tasting.
The Caring Committee reaches out to members during illness, recovery, and following a loss. Members provide transportation to medical appointments, supply meals for those homebound, perform grocery shopping, and send cards of support.
Discussion Groups meet for open discussions on specific readings from books, journals, and newspapers, on information distributed by media outlets, and on topics of mutual concern to members.
The Social Committee arranges for a variety of fun and engaging activities. Social events included scavenger hunt, Bunco games, costume party, holiday luncheon, patio crawl, and Kentucky Derby hat contest.
If we’ve piqued your interest and Voices United is the group for you, visit our website www.voicesunitedrr.org for more information, contacts, and membership application.