Voices United Members Bake Cookies for Christmas Baskets

Dianne Ace

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program of Denton County (RSVP) recently contacted Voices United with a request to support the Hearts for Homes Christmas baskets by baking cookies. The baskets are a collaborative effort of various Denton County organizations to deliver Christmas baskets filled with holiday foods for low-income seniors in Denton County.

Although the deadline was only days away, a number of Voices United “cookie angels” responded and baked dozens of cookies for the baskets. Voices Member Joyce Latham delivered 12 dozen assorted cookies made by club members. In addition, several members took their treats directly to the RSVP office.

In January, members of Voices United will assist other organizations identified by RSVP during the upcoming Denton County Day of Service event.

Voices United is a non-partisan group of Robson Ranch women who share progressive values, perform community outreach, provide civic awareness and social contact for members, and have a good time! We’re a 501(c)(3) group. Our annual dues are $20.

For more information or to join, go to www.voicesunitedrr.org.