Phyllis Ayers
The December holidays gave Voices United a chance to once again give back to the community. We partnered with Meals on Wheels to provide gift bags for the Denton residents being served by this wonderful organization. Over 200 gift bags were generously donated by Denton Sprouts Farmers Market’s General Manager, Ron Godec, which helped boost our efforts. Cash donations of over $1350 allowed for the purchase of a blanket, gripper socks and body lotion for each bag. What a way to kickoff this season of giving!
The Voices United Women’s Group consists of Robson Ranch residents who meet on a regular basis to discuss progressive values. In addition to exchanging views on local, state and national issues over lunch, we actively reach out to the local Denton community and provide a helping hand to citizens in need through various service projects.
Throughout the year guest speakers are invited to present on a variety of topics of interest. At other times, we spotlight one of our members who share their background and experiences. We’ve all done interesting and exciting things and many of us have traveled all over our country and the world.
Our lunches are also an opportunity to meet and make new friends. As we get to know each other and share our lives, not just at the Ranch, but prior to moving here, friendships are formed. There are no costs associated with membership (aside from the cost of your lunch, if you choose to eat), just a desire to be a part of a progressive group of women. For more information, contact Tracy Olson at [email protected].