Voting Location Rescued

Tim McCormick

Early voting begins Feb. 20, and thanks to the efforts of members of the Republican Club and Republican Texas legislators, it will be in the clubhouse for all residents of Robson Ranch!

Previously under the Texas Election Code, voting on Election Day had to occur in the precinct in which you lived. This caused a problem for Robson Ranch residents when in 2022 the precinct lines were redrawn and Robson Ranch was split into two precincts. Until then, we had always been in the same precinct. At that time, confusion ensued, as voters in Precinct 4185 (the east side of Robson) and voters in Precinct 4186 (the west side) had to vote in different locations on Election Day.

Now, thanks to the responsiveness of our legislators and the excellent relationship our club has with them, Robson Ranch voters can all vote in the clubhouse once again. Our legislators added language to the Texas Election Code to allow two precincts to vote in one location on Election Day under various special circumstances that include our situation here on the Ranch. This is an excellent, albeit small, example of the importance of having a good relationship with legislators and how being involved in the Republican party can help to make a difference in little, but important, ways in our own lives.

The Republican Club believes it’s important to work with the legislators the voters have chosen. We encourage individual thought—not groupthink or telling our members what to think. We understand you wouldn’t live in Robson Ranch if you hadn’t learned how to think for yourself sometime in your life. We respect that our members have differences of opinion, but that doesn’t keep us from working with those we disagree with on a few points. And very importantly, we understand we are mostly all retired and at a point in our lives where we want to enjoy life, not be worked up into a frenzy about every issue that comes up.

Early voting, as stated above, starts Feb. 20 and will run through March 1. If you’re going to be on a cruise or out of town for some other reason, make sure you vote early! The actual Election Day is Tuesday, March 5.

Also, don’t forget about attending your Republican precinct convention on Election Night, March 5. The beginning of the Republican convention process begins right here at Robson Ranch for us. Be at the clubhouse at 7 p.m., and people will help you get to the proper location for your precinct convention.

As always, the RR Republican Club is here to help our Republicans learn more about anything Republican. You can go to our website to become a member. Our dues are a whopping $10 per year, which will get you through May based on our fiscal year. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. Come join us and have fun!