Why Join the Women’s Club?

Women’s Club Board for 2021 bottom row (left to right): Sandy Conwell, Donna Gardner, Sally Monge, and Darla Mahan; middle row: Joyce Ambre, Deanna Sico, Terri Bush, Nanci Odom, and Lucille Zimmerman; top row: Lisa Olson, Pam Dotson, and Barb Cummins

Women’s Club Board for 2021 bottom row (left to right): Sandy Conwell, Donna Gardner, Sally Monge, and Darla Mahan; middle row: Joyce Ambre, Deanna Sico, Terri Bush, Nanci Odom, and Lucille Zimmerman; top row: Lisa Olson, Pam Dotson, and Barb Cummins

LaDonna Womochel

The year of 2020 had much promise for the Women’s Club, but COVID-19 caused so many disruptions to our plans. Hopefully, 2021 will be a healthier and happier time for all of us.

The Women’s Club in 2021 has some exciting new activities and will bring back some of our favorites from the past. Plans for the annual fashion show on April 5, the Home and Garden Show on June 5, and the Holiday Market on Oct. 2 are already underway. The programs for our monthly luncheons are going to entertain us with storytelling to make us laugh and to see the world in a new way. Some of the programs will focus on personal enrichment; some will help refresh our homes. Others will bring music, art, and the joy of food into our lives. The other benefit of the monthly luncheons that is unchanged is conversing with old and new friends while enjoying the wonderful buffets from the Grill.

Those are good reasons to join. It is easy to do so; go to the Women’s Club website at www.rrwomensclub.org. You can find an application there with all the information you need to join. The 2021 board will lead us into the new year, so join now.