Photo by Randy Hatcher
Frances Hackley, Publicity Chair
The Robson Ranch Music Club celebrates their 20th year next year! Within the first few years of Robson opening, folks here were craving and asking for music at the Ranch. In the Fall of 2004, the first Robson Ranch Community Choir performed its first Veterans Day Concert. The Music Club and Choir, with some coaxing from residents expressing the urgency, formed under the direction of Joe and Tawana Arnett. Members in the club soon started other music events like karaoke to help fund the club’s needs.
So, why was music so important? More important than a place to exercise, a place to eat, a place to get a book, or a place to paint even? Folks were willing to wait for all those to fall into place, but music was needed right away! We all know that “music is the universal language.” It is the commonality of every nation and civilization—the glue that binds. Music has been around since the beginning of time and was probably drum based at first. Babies are soothed by it. Cows are milked by it. Nations have marched into war by it. Music communicates emotions that words cannot convey. But most of all, music brings people together. That is what the Music Club did here at the Ranch—it brought people together. The forming of the Choir gave a wonderful and much-needed outlet for those still interested in singing and sharing music with others.
Most people cannot imagine a world without music. It is woven into everything: movies, commercials, shopping, eating. It is everywhere. There are reasons for that. Music elevates mood, reduces stress, relieves symptoms of depression, stimulates memories, lowers blood pressure, improves focus, and enhances communication and social skills. Children who are exposed to and learn music have better cognitive development which, in turn, helps all other parts of academia. Music is used as a therapy to help children with learning disabilities and autism. Music therapy is also being used in the assistance of pain management and to relieve agitation associated with dementia. Music, simply put, improves one’s quality of life. Seniors especially benefit from music for all those reasons listed. Seniors who sing in choirs have less depression, better posture, better lung function, and enjoy better cognitive function and flexibility.
The early pioneers of the Music Club may not have intended to or perhaps even known exactly what they were doing for the community. They filled a void, a hunger, a need, which has enhanced this community greatly. That is “Why Music?” The Music Club provides six music events, and its Robson Ranch Community Choir performs six concerts each year. We are grateful for the community’s continued support.
Please come and enjoy our Spring Concert, “Silver Screen Classics,” on April 15 at 7 p.m. and April 16 at 4 p.m. Tickets are $15 in the clubhouse on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 to 11 a.m., or our website, rrmusicclub.com, via PayPal for $16.