Mary Lee Garbowski (left) and Ellen Sullivan waiting for the shotgun start.
The WLN Meets, Greets, and Travels!
WLN Communications
The Wildhorse Lady Niners were finally able to meet as a group for pre-play instruction. Some ladies met fellow players for the first time! Previously, one person from each team retrieved the score card from a play-day team member. Therefore, many members were never able to introduce themselves to players not on their assigned team. Thankfully, after 14 long months, we are back to normal. We now have the opportunity before play to greet, meet, and socialize.
The WLN now has 157 members and is growing. The Wednesday morning play days generally alternate between Scramble and Own Ball play. Even though there is lots of fun taking place, there is also mentoring, guiding, and learning for both new and experienced players.
Due to the Wildhorse course closure, one of our Scramble plays was held at Timberlinks Golf Course in Denton. Thirty-three ladies joined in the play. Timberlinks was a little intimidating with hills and wooded areas, but it did not hinder the WLN from accepting the challenge! After play, the ladies convened at Sidewalk Bistro Café in Denton for luscious lunch options, cool beverages, delicious pies, a few prizes and, of course, lots of camaraderie. We offer a big thanks to Carol Cooley for organizing the fun outing!
Finally—A WLN Quarterly Luncheon!
WLN Communications
It was a warm June morning as the Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) gathered outside the Pro Shop preparing for nine holes of scramble play golf. The usual practice is for players to put $2 into a pool for the winning team members. But this was a special day—a day where the quarterly luncheon was finally going to be held—a luncheon with Margaritas and Bloody Marys! Therefore, the board had voted to donate the usual winning monies to a variety of charities each quarter and this quarter’s charity was Denton’s Loreto House, a pregnancy and parenting resource center. The WLN members were very generous as their contributions totaled $490! After collecting donations, the teams and holes were assigned, instructions were provided, and off they went to the south course for a shotgun start. Midway through play the heat set in but alas, we were saved by Jan of the play day team who drove to the holes and provided ice cold water. Whew, what a blessing! And golf was just the very beginning of the fun to be had for the day!
After quite a bit of heat and perspiration the ladies arrived at the clubhouse ready to cool off with more ice water, a refreshing wet towel from the restroom and a really nice cool beverage from Jeremy and his team at the bar! The WLN social team had outdone themselves with the lovely tables and decorations, a make your own chef salad bar, fabulous door prizes and last, but certainly not least, a fashion show of clothing items from the Pro Shop.
Oh my, the door prizes were over the top! Gift cards from Christina’s Mexican Restaurant, Amano’s Italian Grill, the Wildhorse Grill, the Wildhorse Pro Shop, golf lessons from our new teaching pro Steve Z, a one-of-a-kind vase from our Happy Potter’s Club, original oil paintings from a few of our talented artists here at the Ranch, Decorating Den Interiors, and so much more. The ladies were on the edge of their seats hoping to hear their lucky numbers called.
Though it has been a long 14 months since the last WLN quarterly gathering, this fun luncheon event made the wait worthwhile. Gayle Lee and her social team of Diana Warner, Diane Boyne, Susan Potter, and Carroll French went over the top to ensure the WLN enjoyed the day. They were totally successful!

The models in the back applaud Carroll French (left) and Connie Griswold for their hard work in making the fashion show a huge success.

Gayle and Diana award an original oil painting to another lucky winner.

Let the party begin with Steve and Megan Wiegand and Gayle Lee.
WLN and Friends Stylin’ It in Pro Shop Fashions
WLN Communications
Gayle Lee, Carroll French, and Connie Griswold totally outdid themselves with an additional treat at the Wildhorse Lady Niners (WLN) quarterly luncheon. They brainstormed a fabulous opportunity to show off the new summer fashions available at the pro shop to the WLN members while there was a captive audience. What a fashion show it was. The models were none other than some of our own WLN members, as well as a few male model surprises!
The oldie but goodie music set the show in motion to get the audience grooving, moving, and all into the fashions. There was a lot of laughter, hooting, hollering, and full enjoyment as the models boogied on down to show off their attire. The one who ‘owned the show’ with all his swagger was our own Craig Pullen! He can golf, he can boogie, he can model, and he can even score a few dollar bills in his pockets as he moseyed among the tables of ladies modeling his Footjoy attire. There was just too much fun being had by the WLN ladies. Additional male models who brought down the house were Steve Z, our new teaching pro, and Miles and Joshua, who both work at the Grill. They were all such good sports. And the clothes our pro shop provided were fabulous. An array of fun colors and design choices were stylishly worn by all of the models, including our very own WLN members—Dale McMichael, Jeanette Bliss, CJ Palecek, Tara Riley, Amy Enloe, and Terri Bush. You are highly encouraged to visit the pro shop. Though the racks may now be lacking as the WLN members were eager to snatch up those chic ensembles!
Thanks again to the WLN Social Committee for ensuring the members had a fun-filled, memorable experience.