The Wildhorse Lady Niners Christmas party

Jane Thompson
Janie Farnsworth
Ladies attended the annual Holiday Party for the Lady Niners in festive attire to celebrate the end of a great golfing season. The food that was served by the Wildhorse Grill was fabulous. So many choices to make: pork or chicken, pie or bread pudding. Service was terrific as well. The tables had a beautiful floral arrangement, and the red napkins were folded like Christmas trees. At our places were a bendable reindeer to have fun with, and a golf ball decorated with a Santa hat that Teresa Blackburn-Korn had made for everyone.
Our president, Virginia Wheeless, opened the gathering, and Jane Thompson read a great golfing poem. The poem summed up why we have such a love-hate relationship with this game called golf.
Mary Ornberg made up a game with photos of some of the Niners just showing socks and shoes. There was a list of names and you had to match up the photo with the name. It was really challenging. How often do you check out someone’s shoes unless they are new. There were 13 photos. The most any team matched up was 8.
A short meeting followed lunch with awards and great raffle prizes. There were chip-in awards followed by birdie awards. We must be improving because there were way too many to mention. Carolyn Thomas was awarded a plaque by our president made up of the golf balls from the Princess Tournament in the shape of a “P” to thank her for her very hard work on the tournament.
We had so many participants for the ringer that Mary Van Sant paid out five places. The ringer went to our most improved player, Elaine Barnett, followed by second to fifth place Cel Muff, Sandy Welch, Maureen Varnes and Jamie Siefert.
The raffle prizes were plentiful. We had gifts from Chico’s, Talbots, Mary Kay, The Wildhorse Grill and Lone Star Academy. We decided Jean Gill must have really wanted that Lone Star Golf Academy Assessment because she kept winning one after the other. Of course she could only keep one.
For those interested in joining the Wildhorse Lady Niners, please contact Olive Morton at 262-0828. The Niners will be having a social in early 2016 for anyone interested in coming and finding what we are all about.