Coordinator Carol Hansen shows Kim Price’s donations (photo by Sandi Price)
Sandi Price
Last week our Material Girls group received a wonderful surprise. My daughter-in-law Kim Price gave us two large bags of baby items for our Bundles for Babies donations, to be given to Sheppard Air Force Base expectant mothers. These young mothers, far from home with little money to spend, are always delighted with what we send. Kim’s specialty is adding prairie points to the edges of all of her quilts. She made baby quilts in all sizes, including small lovies, all backed with minky and other soft fabrics that babies can cuddle. There were also headbands for little bald heads and bows as well. This huge stash of baby items will be added to other quilts, burp cloths, receiving blankets, and other baby things made by Material Girls. Kudos to Kim and Material Girls who donated.