This year’s executive board: Secretary Debbie Wegman, Vice President Debbie Andrews, President Carol Rumsberger, and Treasurer Mary Ann Wood
Cindy Voliva
Whether you are a current member of the Wildhorse Lady Niners or you’ve been thinking about joining the 9-hole group, please plan to attend our first get-together in 2024. Our Meet and Greet will be Wednesday, Feb. 21, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the clubhouse. This is a great opportunity to socialize with fellow golfers and hear about our group, our focus, and our theme for 2024. We’re happy to answer any questions you may have and would love the opportunity to introduce you to our 2024 board members.
We will have snacks and a cash bar, as well as samples of WLN golf shirts and jackets for you to order. We will also have a table for new member sign-up. We hope to see you soon!