August meeting
Bobbi Stringer and Linda Smith
How fortunate we were at the August meeting of Women Sharing Hope to have Pastor Kim Broadstreet, senior pastor at First Baptist Church Ponder, lead us in both song and message. He shared just how awesome God is through stories, music, and scriptures.
Awe helps us tune into something larger than ourselves, and there is no better awe-inducing experience we can have than encountering God personally. Pastor Kim explained that God is awesome in the covenant He offers, the character He reveals, the grace He gives, and the love He exhibits. Pastor Kim challenged the women to rekindle and recapture their personal feeling of awe for God.
Jaki Mathis announced the new #2 Prayer, Praise, and Play (PPP) group will be launching in September. The group meets monthly to enjoy a variety of fun activities, like a high tea, an escape room, playing disc golf, bowling and laser tag, swimming pool party, touring various museums and botanical gardens, potluck luncheon, and games—the possibilities are endless. The Christian fellowship between the members is truly something special. If you are interested in joining a PPP, please contact Jaki at [email protected].
Judy Sale outlined the new widow/widowers support program and announced that the training for “Encouragers” will be held on Oct. 15 at the clubhouse. With our aging community, many residents who have been left behind need practical, emotional, and spiritual support. If you are interested in knowing more about this program, please contact July Sale at [email protected].
Catherine Simpson discussed the Women Sharing Hope Retreat at Camp Copass in Denton, Oct. 18-20. The theme is “Lose Fear, Gain Purpose.” We have three exciting speakers who are Christian authors. Their spirit-filled, power-packed presentations will equip us for dealing with fear and will show us how to find God’s purpose for our lives. This Retreat is open to anyone and, if interested, please contact Catherine at [email protected].
Women Sharing Hope meets on the third Friday of the month, normally at 10:30 a.m. in the clubhouse. The next meeting will be held Friday, Sept. 16, in the Lone Star Room, but at an earlier time (9:30 a.m.) due to facility scheduling. The speaker will be Kathy Jeffrey who will be speaking on how to prevent loneliness by understanding we are not an “I,” we are a “We” with Jesus.
After the meeting, all were invited to have lunch together at the Wildhorse Grill.
Women Sharing Hope is open to all women who want a deeper bond with Christ by learning more about who He is and why we were created. We learn how to serve each other while glorifying God with our words and actions as we are led by the Spirit.
If you are interested in receiving an invitation to our gatherings, please email Catherine at [email protected].