Photo by Steve Simpson
Catherine Simpson
It was a beautiful day on April 27, 2013, when Pastor Roger and his wife Marla decided to go on a Saturday afternoon motorcycle ride to Decatur on Highway 287. Deciding to let the wind blow their hair, neither had on a helmet. All at once, a pickup truck with a mom and two children dashed across the road in the path of the motorcycle. To protect Marla, Roger tried to keep the bike upright by stiffening his arms and legs. They T-boned the truck so hard that the axle on the truck was broken. Marla was thrown off and landed on the busy highway. Roger broke his pelvis, arms, and many other bones. No one who saw the accident thought they had survived. But they did!
Come hear how this accident changed lives. Plans changed, but they both saw how God continued to hold them in His mighty hands for years to come. God was not ready to accept their tickets to Heaven. Do you know for sure that all your friends, loved ones, children, and grandchildren have their ticket to spend eternity in Heaven?
Are you able to recite this prayer with peace and not fear in your heart: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my Soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my Soul to take.”?
As we all grow older, life here on this earth is getting shorter and shorter. Bring friends, neighbors, and relatives to the Women Sharing Hope meeting on Friday, April 21, at 10 a.m. in the Lone Star Room in the clubhouse, and learn how you can get your ticket to Heaven. Bring your questions and concerns and leave with peace! Call Catherine Simpson if you have any questions ahead of time at 817-707-7707. There is a luncheon afterwards for those who wish to stay and fellowship.