Women Sharing Hope: ‘Connected Hearts’ PPP Event

Linda Bushias

Nativity scenes carefully displayed and Christmas decor in every room, in every corner, and on every shelf and counter made Nell Ritchie’s home a perfect setting for the Prayer, Praise, and Play (PPP) Group 2 December meeting. Our afternoon began with prayers of thanksgiving and intercession. After we each shared our favorite Christmas memories, we enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by our hostess. Later, Nell invited us to create Christmas decorations from the abundance of supplies she generously provided. Red, green, silver, gold, blue, and glitter were everywhere as fellowship and laughter filled the air! The celebration was completed with Nell’s mouth-watering desserts!

Because all the PPP groups are now choosing new names, we ended our afternoon with a unanimous decision on “Connected Hearts” for our group. It represents the bond we share because of our Lord’s love for us, our love for Him, and our love for one another.

We wished everyone a Merry Christmas as we departed with full hearts and the Christmas items we had created so beautifully! For what can go wrong when there’s glitter?!

Women Sharing Hope’s Prayer, Praise, and Play are small groups of women who meet once a month, usually on a predetermined day of the week, at various places to pray, praise, and participate in an activity chosen by the hostess. Each member takes turns hosting once a year.

Women Sharing Hope’s PPP groups’ mission is to encourage lifelong friendships as we support and love each other while growing in our walk with our Lord, Jesus Christ. Whether it’s eating, swimming, games, adventurous outings or sightseeing, tears or laughter, conversations light or profound, there’s always prayers for one another and their individual requests, praising our Lord for His abundant love and grace, and thanking Him for these beloved women He has placed in each of our paths.

New PPP groups are forming constantly. If you are interested in learning more or signing up to participate in a group, feel free to contact Theresa Peoples at 214-577-4616 or [email protected]. Be assured that there’s a PPP for everyone.

Women Sharing Hope also has several outreach programs that support the Robson Ranch community, which include a Widows Support program, Robson Angels Supporting Caregivers, Games for Dames, and others.

Women Sharing Hope exists to develop friendships, grow in faith, and share God’s love. We meet on the third Friday of each month at 10 a.m. at the clubhouse where we gather to strengthen our walk with God by learning more about Him and His love for us. Each month has a different theme and different guest speakers who address situations and issues many of us deal with in our lives.

If interested in receiving invitations to our monthly meetings, please contact Catherine Simpson at 817-707-7707 or [email protected]. Watch for the Punchbowl invitation with your special invitation each month. Please come. Whether in PPP, one of our other groups, or at our Women Sharing Hope meetings, we would love to get to know you!