Debbie Calevich
On Dec. 16 over 100 men and women came to hear real stories from neighbors who have had near death experiences.
The Jan. 20 topic will be “Shhh, We Are Going to Share the Secret of How to Guarantee You Have Joy, Peace, and Hope in 2023.” You will hear actual stories from four Robson people who have experienced horrific challenges but came out knowing God had carried them through it, and today they relish speaking about how real God is to them and how He changed their lives. We welcome all men and women to this session of Women Sharing Hope.
The challenges include an American Airline pilot having a jet bridge break on top of him; a lady who spent over 90 days in ICU on a ventilator due to COVID-19; a gentleman diagnosed 20 years ago with prostate cancer, which got into the bone and indirectly caused the loss of his bladder; and, lastly, a family who lost a child to suicide, which led to the additional pain alcohol can bring, but they came out of it ready to help others.
Do you have doubts about God’s love and faithfulness? Do you love hearing stories about the miracles that God is still doing? Then you definitely need to come! Bring your friends and neighbors to celebrate the love of God and hear the secret of making 2023 the best ever!
Women Sharing Hope exists to develop friendships, grow in faith, and share God’s love. We are a group of women meeting every third Friday of each month at 10 a.m. in the clubhouse. At these meetings, we gather to strengthen our walk with God by learning more about Him and His love for us. It is not a Bible study, but the Bible is our handbook, and we explore its mysteries. Each month has a different theme and different guest speakers who address situations and topics we all deal with in our daily lives. Women Sharing Hope is open to women of all faiths and beliefs. For more information, call/text Catherine Simpson at 817-707-7707 or [email protected].