The Women Sharing Hope’s fourth Prayer, Praise and Play (PPP) group, which was recently organized for widows, held their first gathering at Judy Sale’s home on March 17. They enjoyed a delicious luncheon prepared by Judy, chatted to get to know each other, and discussed plans for the year. A PPP is a small group of 12 women who meet once a month at various places to pray, praise, and then play an activity chosen by the hostess. Each woman will host once a year. This group will meet on the first Friday of each month.
In April, Mary Shave will host at her home with a luncheon and then play a variety of games. There is already a waiting list to join a PPP, so we will be starting two new groups soon, with one group specifically for widows. If you would like more information, please contact Theresa Peoples at 214-577-4616 or [email protected].