Women’s Club August Luncheon

The excellent Women’s Club monthly luncheon programs continue to update, enlighten, and entertain! Monthly luncheons are $19 per person. Reserve your seat by making your reservation payment by the deadline.

As a recap, the June luncheon provided an excellent program, with President Nancy Caldwell opening the afternoon by providing the current business status updates. She shared that the current membership stands at 474 members. New members were welcomed, and “Happy Birthday” rang through the ballroom for the attendees celebrating a June birthday!

President-elect Lisa Olson announced the annual Backpack and School Supplies Drive was officially kicked off, and members were encouraged to purchase backpacks for only $5 at the Service table while at the luncheon. Everyone is welcome to purchase their own backpack if they wish. Fulfill them from the school supplies list on the Women’s Club website, rrwomensclub.org.

Everyone is welcome to participate. Questions? Contact Lisa Olson at 817-903-9894 or lisa.olson913@gmail.com.

On with the program! Gayle Lee, VP Programs, welcomed Master Gardener Kathi Efflandt. Kathi educated and inspired our potential “Green Thumbs” with tips regarding how to grow beautiful flowers and plants in pots and flower beds. She included a workshop demonstration featuring plants that thrive in our area. The program was followed by a wonderful auction of flowers and plants! The proceeds benefited Friends of the Family. Thank you to our generous members!

Announcing the August program! The August luncheon program on Monday, Aug. 7, promises to be an entertaining afternoon with the gifted entertainer, exceptional singer, and impressive impersonator David Seering! David is a Robson Ranch resident and has a true passion for music. David has performed with many entertainment greats, as well as playing for three presidents by special invitation.

David stood at Sinatra’s podium and sang into Sinatra’s microphone at a Los Angeles recording studio. Sinatra is one of his most influential icons, and he will share unique stories, as well as perform iconic tunes. Plan to attend this wonderful tune-filled afternoon.

Charity of the Month: Friends of the Family

Buffet menu: Chicken teriyaki on a stick with teriyaki sauce, Hawaiian fried rice, pineapple Mandarin salad, and white coconut cake

Luncheon checks are due by Monday, July 31, at 8 a.m.

You may pay ($19) by dropping your check in the Cimarron Sports Center Women’s Lounge in the mailbox on the wall or with PayPal. Go to the Women’s Club website, rrwomensclub.org. You may also drop off your check at Sandra Mankowich’s home at 8905 Gardenia.

Luncheon questions? Contact Sandra at sandrajoytexas@gmail.com or 972-658-8150.

Do you want to join the Women’s Club for the first time or renew your 2023 membership? Annual dues are $20 for the calendar year. You may pay at the August luncheon. Stop by the Membership table and drop off your membership check and Membership form. You are also welcome to contact Rita Paxton, VP Membership, before the luncheon.

Membership Questions? Contact Rita Paxton at 806-893-1106 or Paxtonfam@hotmail.com.