Everybody wins at the blackjack table.
Virginia E. Wheeless
The Robson Ranch clubhouse was transformed into a real, live casino on Aug. 20 with game tables, slot machines, wine pulls, and roulette wheels, with players and onlookers. And don’t forget tables full of delicious food and drink. It was a festive occasion! But the “Night at the Casino” wasn’t just for celebration and enjoyment. Its real purpose was to raise money for the RRWGA’s charity for the October Pink Tournament, “Fight Breast Cancer.”
The event teamed with Women Rock, a nonprofit community organization serving North Texas by educating and supporting women and men about breast cancer. Women Rock is on the frontline to see men and women who are uninsured and underinsured and unable to afford basic mammograms, diagnostics, and treatments. Women Rock is able to customize the needs of each survivor by contributing to everyday essentials such as groceries, utility bills, insurance payments, gas to get to treatments, child care, and much more. Women Rock is 100% funded by donor contributions and small grants. This event, “A Night at the Casino,” raised over $46,000! You made it happen!
Thirty-two donors were generous to provide items for raffles and live auctions. Chad Chance auctioned off a beach house in Florida, a guest house in Sedona, amazing spa packages, weekend getaways, and many more items. But the crowd wanted to give more and shouted out dollar amounts to give to Women Rock. People recognized the importance of their work.
People gathered around the blackjack and roulette tables and played the slot machines. The competition was friendly and the winners excited. The event was sold out, and each of the 250 players received “chips” when they arrived and could purchase more during the night. Each person’s winnings at the tables accumulated and were totaled at the end of the night. The top three players with the most chips won donated prizes.
“A Night at the Casino” was a huge success. The guests had fun, and we could not have done it without the generosity of our donors (you can see a list of the donors on our website www.RRRWGA.com; please use their services and visit them) and the support of the Robson Ranch community and staff. Thank you, thank you to all. On behalf of the RRWGA, many thanks for helping us raise over $46,000 for Women Rock and breast cancer!