Jackie Moore
Do you want to download an ebook to your iPad, iPhone, computer or laptop but just don’t know how to do it? Many people at Robson don’t. Here’s how.
Check the device you want to read the book on for the Kindle icon (it’s blue with a person sitting under a tree reading a book). Often iPads and iPhones already have this application installed. If you have it, skip the next step.
If it’s not there, go to amazon.com. Click on “departments” then click on Kindle eReaders and books. Then on the right, Apps and Resources, click on free Kindle reading apps. Either click on download to PC and MAC (or enter your email to download to your iPad/iPhone). Click on run/save to load on your device. Follow instructions. Once the download is completed, exit amazon.com.
Then look for the Kindle icon on your device. If it is there, go back to amazon.com, click on books, then click on Kindle ebooks, enter the name of the book you are looking for in “search.” When it comes up, click download, follow the payment instructions and download the book. When the download is complete, exit amazon.com. Then click on the Kindle icon and your book will appear. As you read the book, each time you open it up you will be right where you left off the last time you read it.
Rate it: after you read an ebook, go back to amazon.com, pull up the book by entering the title, then rate it for the author by giving it stars. Then exit amazon.com.
Gift Book: now you can purchase an ebook as a gift and amazon.com will give you a gift certificate to print with a number on it. Give it to the giftee. The giftee can go to amazon.com and enter that number and the book will download to the giftee’s device (providing it has the Kindle icon).
EBooks on Amazon Kindle: you might want to download the following books written by the Robson Ranch Writer’s Guild members.
The Wormhole Project by C.L. Smothers (sci-fi)
A Diplomatic Death by J.K. Moore (mystery)
Deadly Contraband by John Sandel (thriller)
Who Can I Tell? by Mary Skillings Belding (young adult fiction)
Past Corpus by Janet McKenzie (a Texas novel)