Doris and Joe Hazewski (photo by Letha Straub)
Letha Straub, Chair, Yard of the Month
The Garden Club Board has selected the yard of Doris and Joe Hazewski as the recipients of the honorary Yard of the Month award.
Doris and Joe stated, “Our journey began in early 2020 with our decision to relocate from our home in Missouri City, Texas, to a destination we could call home for the remainder of our years. We explored several places, i.e., West Palm Beach and Naples, Fla., and here at Robson Ranch. The decision was simple—Robson was the place for us!
“We moved to Robson Ranch in September of 2020 where we rented a house within the community until the completion of our new residence in September of 2021. The location at 12205 Glenbrook Street was perfect with the vision we both shared, and allowed us to design our dream landscape layout that would bring a ‘smile to our faces’ along with ‘pride and happiness.’ The initial landscape was installed in late Fall of 2021. We both love Austin stone and had all of our beds framed with Austin stone to pop our landscape. The front corners of our home were staged with mature fuchsia red Crepe Myrtles to add brilliant color to our front flower gardens. Next we added a formal holly tree for a perfect showpiece for the Christmas holiday season!
“To set the stage for our landscape vision next was to select the perfect Chinese pistachio tree for their glorious fall colors! The Spring of 2022 was filled with numerous landscape challenges. We persevered to achieve our original vision. We added our favorite shrubs, fire bushes for their brilliant colors for fall, and rose bushes to welcome the beauty of spring. The center showpiece is a lemon lime hydrangea that is currently in full bloom and a must to see!
“Next we wanted a showpiece that was unique and would bring great beauty and character to our front garden landscape. We decided on a red weeping redbud for its beauty and its uniqueness in the early spring.”
Doris would like to share one of her love and care that she does for her plants. Doris nourishes her plants with root stimulator, and you will see that they are absolutely breathtaking! Joe and Doris now have made their landscape vision a true reality! Congratulations, Joe and Doris, truly a job well done!
The Garden Club invites you to drive by and enjoy their brilliant landscape vision and design. Perseverance and a lot of love and care has brought all of this to their flower garden!
The Garden Club will resume monthly meetings on Sept. 18 at 10:30 a.m. in the clubhouse ballroom, Lonestar Room. Meetings are the third Monday of each month. Our group takes field trips outside Robson Ranch in October and April. Members share their own cuttings/plants at the year-end Plant Exchange. Annual dues will be collected at the September meeting. Watch the regular HOA notices for additional details as they become available.