Yard of the Month

Nancy Finley, Publicity Chair

The Garden Club is happy to announce that the August Yard of the Month belongs to Steve and Rosie Bouse at 8905 Basanite. Steve is the primary gardener, while Rosie is the potter, and you can see her wonderful creations throughout their gardens. They encourage everyone to walk through the greenspace between Copper Ore Way and Pepperidge to view their backyard. It is filled with a wide assortment of colorful plants. In the center of the patio surround, look out for the fig tree, bearing fruit for the second year. I was taken by the cotton plants with multicolored, almost translucent leaves. Steve grows them from seed. His herb garden includes sage, basil, thyme, and oregano. There are bougainvillea of almost every color and variety. The front bed bougainvillea has the largest leaves. The red one in the front door pot has especially spectacular bracts making clusters just on the tips. The crepe myrtles are in full bloom, and the areas beneath are filled with sunpatiens, succulents, caladiums, and ornamental grasses. There may be mulch underneath, but it cannot be seen! There is a succulent garden, too.

Steve also has a garden plot and showed me six-inch decorative corn almost ready to plant there. He seems to have no end to his gardening talents. Watch out for the wrens nesting in the wreath on their patio. They watched us closely and wanted us to leave so they could get back to their nest.

Rosie and Steve moved to Robson Ranch from Illinois three years ago. They welcome you to stop for a visit soon.