Catholic Club notice

The Robson Ranch Catholic Club met on Wednesday, November 12, instead of the second Tuesday, November 11, which was Veterans Day. The meeting was held at the lovely home of Jim and Lynn D’Entremont. The guest speaker was Fr. Khoi, Assistant Pastor at Immaculate Conception Catholic Church here in Denton. Fr. Khoi, a refugee from Vietnam, returned after many years to Vietnam for a mission trip. Fr. Khoi told his audience about how poor a great many of the Vietnamese people are and how they struggle from day to day just to survive. Fr. Khoi was accompanied by a deacon and a dentist friend. The dentist spent three days trying to extract many rotted teeth. Some teeth were so far gone they had to be scraped out. A wonderful order of nuns there in Vietnam were a great blessing to the people. The country is a socialist, communist but also capitalist country. Fr. Khoi said that they were carefully watched the whole time they were there. He took many pictures, which he passed around. When Vietnam fell to the North Vietnamese, Fr. Khoi’s father, who had worked for the South Vietnamese government, was put in prison for eight years by the North Vietnamese. After Fr. Khoi’s father was released from prison, Fr. Khoi was born and eventually the family came to America.