Kiwanians turn trash into treasure

Bill Rauhauser lost among the buckets and buckets of tabs

Bill Rauhauser lost among the buckets and buckets of tabs

Carol Rauhauser

Thank you fellow Robson Ranchers!

For many years now Robson Ranch Kiwanis Club has collected aluminum soda, soup and vegetable can tabs for the Ronald McDonald house. This ongoing project had brought over 140 buckets of tabs and over $10,000 in money. Every time Kiwanis collects 20 buckets or more of the tabs. They are taken to the Fort Worth Ronald McDonald House. Another 20 buckets were recently delivered.

Thank you all for taking time to save your tabs. But don’t stop now. This is an ongoing project, and Kiwanis would appreciate your continued help and involvement. Tabs may be turned in at the front desk of the sports center. Other collection points include the woodworker’s shop, the men’s coffee room in the sports center, or directly to Bill Rauhauser at 9904 Countryside Drive.