Barbara Leurig
The RR Kiwanis Club will be hosting their third annual pancake breakfast on the patio at the Grill on Saturday, April 20 from 9:00 a.m. to noon. What a great way to start your day! Nearly everyone, young and old, loves hot pancakes with butter and syrup. And, to go with the pancakes we’ll be serving up yummy sausage links, coffee and juice.
Since it is Easter weekend, there will also be chocolate eggs and jelly beans for kids of all ages.
Great price! $10 per person; kids 10 and under $5. The young women from our CKI Club at Texas Women’s University will be on hand to greet folks, sell 50/50 raffle tickets and let you know what great things they are doing to help in our community.
What is Kiwanis? Kiwanis is an international organization that empowers communities to improve the world by making lasting differences in the lives of children. Kiwanis helps kids around the world. Local clubs, like the one here at Robson Ranch, look out for our communities and the international organization takes on large-scale challenges, such as fighting disease and poverty.
We are generous with our time.
We are creative with our ideas.
We are passionate about making a difference.
And we have fun along the way.
So, help us help the kids in the Denton community by coming to our fundraiser on Saturday, April 20.