2015 members
Don Pooley
The Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club held its first meeting on Dec. 29, 2003, in the home of Dwight Olson, with 19 residents in attendance. Organized play started in January of 2004, with 27 Robson Ranch residents signed up to play a challenge ladder at the newly built Sports Center with only one table. Over the past 19 years, the Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club has grown to almost 80 members, with 11 tables and averaging 20-plus players at our regular Monday, Wednesday, Friday play sessions. If you want to hear about the past 19 years playing table tennis at Robson Ranch, just drop by a play session and ask Jack Zastrow, one of the club’s founding members.
Join us at the current table tennis play session scheduled times in the gym: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from noon to 2:30 p.m., and Sunday from 10 a.m. to noon.
For the latest updates on our activities and club announcements, follow the club on Facebook at Robson Ranch Table Tennis Club (www.facebook.com/RRDTTC) or check out the Table Tennis Club bulletin board space outside the south entrance to the main Sports Center.