New Colon Hydrotherapy Center Opens with Robson Ranch Connections

Kristen Flanagan and staff at Northlake HydroColonic

Tiffany Ramzy

Recently, some members of the Robson Ranch African American Social Group (AASG) attended a Gut Health and Detox Event hosted by Kristen Flanagan, owner of Northlake HydroColonic. Kristen is the daughter of Robson resident Patricia Johnson who recently relocated to Robson from Sacramento, Calif. At the event, attendees toured the facility and learned about holistic health through colon hydrotherapy and infrared saunas.

Colonics, also known as colon hydrotherapy or colon irrigation, is a method of removing waste from the colon without the use of drugs or laxatives. By introducing filtered water into the colon, the waste is softened and loosened, resulting in evacuation through natural intestinal movement. This process is naturally repeated several times during the session. It is a gentle, non-invasive detoxification technique to cleanse the colon of toxins and waste. This process helps the body to better absorb essential nutrients from food and supplements and promotes a healthy colon, which can significantly reduce bodily inflammation. Other benefits: Improves Digestion, Maintains Regularity, and Kick Starts Weight Loss.

Robson resident and AASG member Tiffany Ramzy went back to Northlake HydroColonic the next day after the tour and got “acquainted” with the “Water Angel”—the colonic system. “I’m very health-conscious, so I wanted to give my gut a fresh start,” said Tiffany. “After 40 minutes with the Water Angel, I was all cleaned out, and I think I lost a few inches off my waistline.”

After the hydrotherapy, Tiffany also spent 30 minutes in the infrared sauna, which helps your body release a number of toxins, including heavy metals like mercury and lead, and environmental chemicals. The benefits don’t stop there. According to Kristen, with infrared sauna technology, you can also lose weight, relax, relieve unwanted pain, increase your circulation, and purify your skin.

To learn more about Northlake HydroColonic and the services they offer, visit them at 100 Plaza Place, #500, in Northlake. Or call 469-875-0322 for an appointment. Veterans receive a 10% discount.