Kiln Krafters Club Updates: Items for Sale, New Molds, and Upcoming Events

Kiln Krafters display cabinet with new step shelf

Lorraine Wilson, Secretary

Items for Sale in the Kiln Krafters Display Cabinet: Kiln Krafters members have been busy pouring, painting, and firing items available for purchase. With the holidays approaching, this is a great opportunity to find unique gifts for friends and family at reasonable prices. Visit the display window today to see what’s on offer. A club member is available Tuesday and Friday mornings to help with display window purchases.

Ceramic Christmas Trees: The club is taking orders for ceramic Christmas trees. You can come by to see the available sizes and prices in the Kiln Krafters display window or inquire via email for more details.

Creative Arts Building Hallway Display Cabinet: The club has recently expanded its display space with a beautiful step piece crafted by the woodshop. The feature called “Fresh from the Kiln” section continues to highlight newly fired pieces, allowing members to display the creative work of Kiln Krafters members.

Annual Meeting on Sept. 13: The club’s annual meeting is scheduled for Sept. 13 starting at 10:30 a.m. in the CATC building, Room 105. The agenda includes the approval of revised by-laws and the election of officers.

Club Membership Renewal: Members are reminded to renew their memberships for the 2024-25 year. The renewal fee is $25.

New Molds: Kiln Krafters members Cristy Taylor and Beverly Cummings recently purchased and donated several large molds for club members to use. This addition provides members with more creative options for their projects.

Membership Information: If you’re interested in joining Kiln Krafters, new membership dues are $45, which includes an introductory class and tools.

Contact Information: If you have any questions or need more information, come by the studio on Tuesday or Friday mornings or reach out to Kiln Krafters via email at [email protected].