WGA Mardi Gras—Golf Style!

Ana Corey, Publicity Chair

The Women’s Golf Association (WGA) put on its annual member/guest tournament, affectionately known as “Hoof n Heels!” The gals really kicked up their heels this year with Mardi Gras as the theme. What an appropriate theme for this traditional tournament. Mardi Gras has been a tradition since 1703. Hoof n Heels may not have that many years to brag about, but the tournament committee sure can brag about the gala they put on!

Purple, green, and gold became the official colors of Mardi Gras in 1892 with purple representing justice, green faith, and gold power. So, on Sept. 20 the members and their guests descended on the golf course, many clad in Mardi Gras colors and accessories, hoping they would receive their “just” rewards for having faith in their game and power in their swing!

WGA members and their guests played as a two-person team in a 666 format, 6 holes as Best Ball, 6 holes as Alternate shot, and the last 6 holes as a Scramble. Six Flights received payouts of 1st place $200, 2nd places $150, 3rd place $100, and 4th place $50. The players who were rewarded are as follows: Flight 1, Kelly Kay and Dixie McMath in first place, Becci Tomasek and Barbara Cussen in second place, Kerry Kay and Rhonda Hutchens in third place, and Ruth Lowe and Ann Christensen in fourth place; Flight 2, Leslie Slezak and Tana Womack in first place, OkCha Cummings and Rebecca Rice in second place, Diane Bent and Rebecca Rice in third place, and Sue Galinski and Judy Comnick in fourth place; Flight 3, Danise Sharp and Nancy Nix in first Place, Mary Burke and Dail Burkart in second place, Kathy Calloway and Kathleen Lipko in third place, and Gabie Bull and Althea Parent in fourth place; Flight 4, Suzy Spangler and Lori Spencer Wells in first place, Sue Halsted and Sally Read in second place, Robin Hanna and Joyce McCabe in third place; and Lea Ann Kirby and Delores Knowles in fourth place; Flight 5, Tammy Gaither and Leslie MacElroy in first place, Carol Reinbeau and Maggie Smith in second place, Lucia Bone and Judy Wolinski in third place, and Susan Clearfield and Julie Jackson in fourth place; Flight 6, Karla Jean Hines and April Waggoner in first place, Carol Barry and Stephanie Barry in second place, Susan Hebert and Tam Sigler in third place, and Rose Depoe and Anne High in fourth place.

Congratulations to all the winners and most especially the committee chair Mary Burke and committee members Staci Brown, Jackie Williams, Lucy Lindsey, Becci Tomasek, Brenda Watson, Candy Mikulik, Bev Anderson, and Connie Metzler for a job well done!

Traditions help us to create bonds that last a lifetime. So it shall be with Hoof n Heels as all the participants joyously celebrated friendship, camaraderie, and the love of the game, golf! We look forward to continuing the celebration and tradition next year!