‘Twas a Long-Awaited Night Before Christmas—God’s Promise Fulfilled!

Linda Buishas

‘Twas the night before Christmas

Virgin Mary pondered her state.

Soon she’d give birth to our Lord.

Oh! She could hardly wait!

Soon all would be revealed

Of the message Gabriel had brought.

Soon the Savior of the World would come.

It was He, she carried beneath her heart.

Joseph believed all the angel had said.

Now the time for the Messiah was near,

He would be called; “God with us” Emmanuel!

God’s Word had made it clear!

The prophets foretold it; He’d come as a man.

Born of a virgin, the time was at hand.

Now, they must tarry at Caesar’s decree.

They must go to David’s city. They must leave Galilee.

But God’s hand was in it

To fulfill the prophecy.

Christ would be born in Bethlehem,

He would set the exiles free.

They arrived weary from traveling all day.

The city was crowded, with no room to stay.

They found a warm place with a cradle of hay.

Mary gave birth to our Savior in so humble a way.

As shepherds stood watch over their sheep,

There appeared an astonishing sight!

For God sent His Angels that silent night

To bring news of great joy and delight.

Peace on Earth! The Angels said.

We bring joyful tidings to all mankind!

Christ the Lord is born in David’s town!

And this shall be the sign:

In Bethlehem wrapped in swaddling clothes,

You’ll find Him in human form displayed,

Warmed by His mother’s loving smile

And in a manger of straw, He’ll lay.

The angels left singing

All glory be to God in the highest,

And on earth He has brought great peace;

To those on whom his favor rests

God’s goodwill shall never cease!

The shepherds left their flocks that night.

They made haste to meet the child so dear.

They found Him in a bed not fit for a King.

But they knew the Perfect Lamb was here.

Then softly they left the Babe in the hay,

Praising God and repeating what they’d heard

And Mary pondered these things in her heart

As shepherds spread the Good Word.

Let all join in worship; let every tongue sing.

All glory and honor to our newborn King.

Wrapped in a blanket and sleeping on hay

Jesus came to save all on that first Christmas day!

Imagine we could hear the angels exclaim

As they disappeared on that joyful night.

God’s salvation and goodness for all,

And to all, a very good night!