Christmas Fellowship, Food, and Giving

Cynthia Drury

The women of Fellowship At The Ranch Church celebrated the Christmas holidays with afternoon tea at a home in Robson Ranch. The celebration was opened with prayer, then the ladies enjoyed tea, mini cheesecakes, and other finger foods. As plates were filled, the house echoed with the happy sounds of conversation as they shared about upcoming Christmas plans, family updates, and more.

As is our tradition, the ladies brought gifts for Refuge for Women North Texas, this year’s designated charity and one of the 12 charities Fellowship At The Ranch supports. It was heartwarming to see the dining room table overflowing with toilet paper, cleaning supplies, tissue, and other items needed by the clients of Refuge for Women. Executive Director Christine Mann and Community Engagement Coordinator Esther Oppong were the featured guests. They shared information about the program, which provides care and support to women who are the victims of sex trafficking as they work to take back control of their lives. It was amazing and yet sad at the same time to learn about the need for Refuge for Women and the positive impact on the lives of the women they help. The ladies asked many questions about the program and learned about the upcoming new program and the agency’s needs.

As the afternoon drew to a close, the ladies helped carry all the gifts to Christine’s and Esther’s cars. The Christmas spirit of giving was evident this afternoon. As the ladies started to leave, there were hugs, goodbyes, and “See you in church on Sunday.”

The Women’s Christmas Party is just one of many activities and events hosted by Fellowship At The Ranch Church. We invite you to attend our Worship Service in the Robson Ranch clubhouse on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. You are encouraged to come early (10 a.m.) for our Coffee Meet & Greet. For more information about the church, please visit our website at

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